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15 Charles St Westwood, NJ 07675
Phone: (800) 928-8856


company stores

What’s a Company Store?

It's an online store you can set up to manage orders for your company, organization or a specific event.

Why Company Stores?

  • Increase Sales
    Encourage employees or customers to participate by making it quick and easy to order.
  • Automatic Payments
    No need to follow up for payment.
  • Easier-to-Track Orders
    Manage all orders online or export to a document.

Choose From Our Pre-Designed Templates

Click on the thumbnail to view a demo site.

Features of Company Stores

  • Product Choices
    Merchandise your store with only the products you select.
  • Customer Branding
    Instantly brand your Company Store by adding your company or event logo to all virtual sample-ready product images.
  • E-Commerce
    Company Stores are e-commerce-enabled, allowing visitors to place orders the moment your site is launched.
  • Point & Coupon System
    Assign coupons or points to users so they can shop at certain price points.
  • Password Protected
    Protect your site and limit access to only the customers you want by using a password.
  • Store Designs
    Select a design for your store based on your company or event's branding.